Workforce Development
The synergy between job creation and workforce development is not axiomatic. Businesses need the support of education and training institutions, labor market intermediaries and support service providers, but are often poorly equipped to make and manage these connections. Similarly, workforce intermediaries, training providers, and support organizations need direct input from business and industry to ensure that training is current and relevant. Sector-based workforce development strategies that are linked to regional labor markets and industry clusters can help solidify these connections and provide increased job access, retention and career advancement opportunities for incumbent workers and entry-level jobseekers from low-income communities.
Our work in this area is focused on strengthening the capacity of training and service providers to help individuals succeed and integrating workforce development with regional economic development, industry clusters and community change initiatives. We provide strategic planning and technical assistance to workforce partnerships and labor market intermediaries and conduct evaluations of sector-based training programs and alliances.
Selected Projects
Generation WorkTM Client: Annie E. Casey Foundation Providing documentation and formative evaluation services to a national, multi-site initiative designed to increase career opportunities for young adults, particularly young adults of color from low-income families. Launched in 2016, Generation Work has expanded the capacity of workforce development stakeholders to work in partnerships to address structural and systemic challenges affecting young adult workers of color. The first phase focused on applying equity and inclusion and positive youth development principles to strategies, policies and practices. In the current expansion and field building phase, local partnerships are helping employers hire and retain young adult workers by adopting equitable employment practices.
Expanding Job Opportunities for Disconnected Young Adults Client: Baltimore Mayor's Office of Employment Development Evaluation of Baltimore's implementation of the Urban Employment for Youth and Young Adults Demonstration, a U.S. Department of Labor-funded initiative to increase access for disconnected young adults to in-demand jobs in targeted industry sectors. Baltimore focused on building the capacity of sector-focused training organizations, neighborhood-based services providers and public agencies to form effective partnerships. The initiative resulted in sustained partnerships, improved funding allocations and the ongoing involvement of legal services and child support organizations in workforce development strategies. Evaluation was funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.
Race, Cultural Competence and Jobs Client: Annie E. Casey Foundation This assessment examined how the Casey Foundation's Jobs Initiative addressed the complex subject of jobs and race. From 1995 to 2005, the Jobs Initiative demonstrated how innovative improvements in public and private workforce development systems and urban labor markets can expand access to family-supporting jobs for young adults living in disinvested neighborhoods. The initiative's conceptual and operational elements took race into consideration and specifically targeted people of color. This assessment informed the Foundation's groundbreaking racial equity and inclusion work.
Culinary Arts Training Program Evaluation Client: Reconcile New Orleans Evaluation of a culinary arts training program for at-risk youth and associated social enterprises. Assessed effectiveness of existing workforce development programs and operations, documented best practices from the field, and developed indicators and tools for ongoing self-assessment and sustainability. Provided technical assistance to inform growth strategies that strengthen linkages to the hospitality and food services sectors and improve job retention and career advancement outcomes for participants.
Evaluation of SkillWorks Boston Client: Mt. Auburn Associates SkillWorks is a dual-customer, sector-focused, partnership model designed to help low-skilled, entry-level jobseekers attain family supporting jobs and businesses find and retain skilled employees. The five-year evaluation assessed strategies designed to build the capacity of workforce partnerships, create a continuum of workforce development services and promote responsive public policies and systems reform. SkillWorks was managed by the Boston Foundation.
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