Advancing Opportunity in Advanced Manufacturing: The Potential of Predominantly Minority Two-Year Colleges. (With Stuart A. Rosenfeld, Regional Technology Strategies, Inc.)
Assessing the Effectiveness of Investments in Non-Traditional Job Training Programs for Women. Washington, DC: Washington Area Women’s Foundation. Best Practice in Community Colleges: Connecting the Urban Poor to Education and Employment Opportunities. (With Joan Fitzgerald et al. for University of Illinois at Chicago.) Building Capacity for Social and Economic Growth in Rural Communities: Considerations for Human Service Organizations in Northern New Hampshire. Gorham, NH: Family Resource Center. Building Family Assets: A Guide to Key Ideas, Effective Approaches and Technical Assistance Resources for Making Connection Cities and Site Teams. Baltimore, MD: Annie E. Casey Foundation. [Guidebook]Changing Systems, Changing Lives: Job Opportunities for Disconnected Young Adults: Evaluation of One Baltimore for Jobs. (With Susan Gerwirtz and Talmira Hill for Baltimore Mayor’s Office of Employment Development.) [Link]
Clusters in Rural Areas: Auto Supply Chains in Tennessee and Houseboat Manufacturers In Kentucky. (With Stuart Rosenfeld et al., Regional Technology Strategies, Inc.)
"Community-Based Food Systems: Long Term Anti-Hunger Strategies." Testimony before the U.S. Congress, House, Select Committee on Hunger, Washington, DC, Serial No. 100-16.
Community Change Learning Exchange: Reflections of Place-Based Funders. Coral Gables, FL: The Funders Network.
Connecting Families to Jobs: A Guide to Key Ideas, Effective Approaches and Technical Assistance Resources for Making Connection Cities and Site Teams. Baltimore, MD: Annie E. Casey Foundation. [Guidebook]
Economic Development and Employment Creation. Battle Creek, MI: W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
Engaging Employers to Improve Employment Outcomes for Nontraditional Workers. Baltimore, MD: Center for Urban Families.
Evaluation of Revolve Fund: Using Philanthropic Resources to Increase Access to Capital for BIPOC-Owned and -Led Enterprises. Baltimore, MD: Revolve Fund.
Evaluation of the Baltimore Children and Youth Fund. Baltimore, MD: Associated Black Charities.
Evaluation of the Baltimore Small Business Support Fund and the BASE Network. Baltimore, MD: Annie E. Casey Foundation.
Evaluation of the Grantmaking Processes of the Chicago Foundation for Women. (With Prue Brown for Chicago Foundation for Women.)
Expanding Opportunities for Young Adult Workers Through Intensive Employer Engagement: Lessons from Generation WorkTM. Washington, DC: National Fund for Workforce Solutions.
Expanding Sector Employment Opportunities for Young Adults. Baltimore, MD: Baltimore Workforce Funders Collaborative. [Report]
Foundation Building for Community Economic Development: An Examination of Key Issues Opportunities and Constraints. New York, NY: Ford Foundation.
From Rapid Response to Long-Term Change: Accelerating Opportunities for Youth and Young Adults in Baltimore. Baltimore. MD: Annie E. Casey Foundation.
Helping Women Overcome Obstacles to Work: Forging Partnerships Between Workforce Development and Child Care Organizations. Battle Creek, MI: W. K. Kellogg Foundation.
"Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Untapped Resources for Rural Development," in Outreach to the Rural Disadvantaged: Issues and Strategies for the 21st Century, edited by Ntam Baharanyi et al., Tuskegee, AL: Tuskegee University.
The Informal Economy: Experiences of African Americans. (With J.L. Losby and J. Else, Institute for Social and Economic Development.)
Informal Economy Literature Review. (With J.L. Losby et al., Institute for Social and Economic Development.) The Involvement of Historically Black Colleges and Universities in Economic Development. (With C. Jean Weidemann for Ford Foundation.) [Link]The Jobs Initiative's Revised National Investor Outcomes Outline: An Approach to Systems Reform. Baltimore, MD: Annie E. Casey Foundation.
Jobs White Paper. Open Society Foundation Solutions Summit. [White Paper]
Lessons from the Jobs Initiative: Design and Planning Considerations for the Neighborhood Development and Family Transformation Initiative. Baltimore, MD: Annie E. Casey Foundation. Leveraging Jobs in the Construction Industry: Considerations for Community-Based Service Organizations. Washington, DC: Center for Community Change. Limited Resource Farmers in Southern Maryland: Factors Affecting the Use of Soil Conservation and Agricultural Alternatives. Princess Anne, MD: University of Maryland Eastern Shore. Making the Connection Between Jobs and Neighborhood Economic Development. Chicago, IL: Kingslow Associates. "Neighborhood Networks Can Help Families Build Assets," in America's Family Support Magazine 21(3): 44-45.
Overview of the Major Asset Building and Community Development Literatures. Chicago, IL: Kingslow Associates.
PLACES Fellowship Program: Experiences of Place-Based Staff. Coral Gables, FL: The Funders Network
Securing Public Sector Funds for Equitable Community Investments. Baltimore, MD: Maryland Community Investment Initiative.
Small Business Development in Baltimore: Factors Affecting Opportunities for Entrepreneurs of Color. Baltimore, MD: Annie E. Casey Foundation.
Small Grants Programs in Community Building: Considerations for Emerging Initiatives. Chicago, IL: Kingslow Associates.
Using Workforce Development to Advance Racial Equity and Inclusion. Baltimore, MD: Open Society Institute.
Workforce Development Stakeholder Input Assessment. Baltimore, MD: Annie E. Casey Foundation.
Working Students Success Network: Financial Products Initiative Assessment. Silver Spring, MD: Achieving the Dream.
Year Up Financial Services Partnership: Year 4 Evaluation Report, 2012-2013. (For Mt. Auburn Associates' evaluation of SkillWorks.)