Our Approach to Evaluation
Evaluation is an instructive component of program planning and organizational development, not a static pursuit. It is an ongoing, adaptive, nuanced process designed not only to measure progress, but also to inform internal operations, program implementation, policy, and/or systems change. Kingslow Associates begins with a clear understanding of your needs and the purpose of the evaluation. We are capable of working independently and providing objective determinations and findings or collaboratively with you to integrate evaluation information into strategic planning and organizational development processes.
We are committed to communicating a clear rationale for the evaluation, its processes and progress, and how data will be collected and used, while creating an environment conducive to open exchange and partnership. We convey and report critical findings in a constructive, diplomatic manner that is designed to promote dialogue and solutions. We are able to navigate multiple program lines, stakeholder interests and political considerations and report complex evaluation findings in a dynamic context.
We bring a high level of cultural sensitivity to our work and believe it is important to include diverse perspectives in the evaluation's design and interpretive processes. We are capable of implementing participatory evaluation methods and helping organizations frame evaluation findings to advance social policy or advocacy objectives. At the same time, we are extremely sensitive to issues of accountability, attribution, the validity of outcome indicators, and confidentiality.
In addition to conducting single- and multi-site evaluations, we conduct evaluation planning to help organizations incorporate an evaluation framework into their front-end program work. We work with staff and boards to build capacity to use evaluation to advance organizational effectiveness and policy objectives. We also provide technical assistance to grantee organizations to help them develop practices and tools that facilitate ongoing planning, self-assessment and learning.
Selected Projects
Evaluation of Living Cities Integration Initiative Client: Mt. Auburn Associates and Mathematica Policy Research Member of team assembled to evaluate an $80 million, five-city investment in community revitalization strategies and innovations designed to improve access to opportunity for low-income residents in the areas of education, housing, health care, transit, and jobs. The evaluation design is formative and summative and focuses on project- and systems-level outcomes.
Culinary Arts Training Program Evaluation Client: Reconcile New Orleans, Inc. Evaluation of a culinary arts training program for at-risk youth and associated social enterprises. Assessing effectiveness of existing workforce development programs and operations, documenting best practices from the field, and developing indicators and tools for ongoing self-assessment and sustainability. Providing technical assistance to inform growth strategies that strengthen linkages to the hospitality and food services sectors and improve job retention and career advancement outcomes for participants.
Evaluation of SkillWorks Boston Client: Mt. Auburn Associates, Inc. SkillWorks is a dual-customer, sector-focused, partnership model designed to help low-skilled, entry-level jobseekers attain family supporting jobs and businesses find and retain skilled employees. The five-year evaluation assesses strategies designed to build the capacity of workforce partnerships, create a continuum of workforce development services, and promote responsive public policies and systems reform. SkillWorks is managed by the Boston Foundation and is a flagship member of the National Fund for Workforce Solutions.
Arkansas Creative Economy Evaluation Client: Regional Technology Strategies, Inc. Evaluation of the research and technical assistance components of initiative to increase the economic impact of businesses and individuals engaged in the arts and design professions in Arkansas. This three-year, statewide initiative is designed to quantify the creative economy, develop new partnerships, impact the legislative agenda, and stimulate pilot projects within manufacturing networks and community colleges. Funded by the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation.
Evaluation of Surdna Foundation's Community Revitalization Program Partner: Mt. Auburn Associates, Inc. Part of the team assembled to evaluate the Surdna Foundation's Community Revitalization Program, which uses a strong market-weak market framework to advance equitable, environmentally sustainable strategies for low- and moderate-income communities. Assessed weak market strategies, activities, emerging themes and innovations. Examined the impact of Surdna's grantmaking and other investments on the community revitalization field. Designed cross-site learning activities.
Evaluations of Community Change Initiatives Clients: Various Worked on various CCIs in multiple capacities, including initiative design, evaluation, technical assistance, best practice documentation, and assessing the economic opportunity and workforce development components. Initiatives includes: Annie E. Casey Foundation's Making Connections; Edna McConnell Clark Foundation's Neighborhood Progress Initiative; Enterprise Foundation's Community Building in Partnership; Ford Foundation's Neighborhood and Family Initiative; John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation's Fund for Community Redevelopment and Revitalization; and the Ms. Foundation's Education and Action for Neighborhood and Economic Development.