Economic Development Projects
Research and Program Planning for Economic Development Client: W.K. Kellogg Foundation Developed a series of white papers and panel discussions aimed at building WKKF's capacity to initiate and implement grantmaking programs in economic development and integrate these approaches with existing programs. Conducted environmental scans of the foundation's international and domestic grantmaking in economic development. Provided technical assistance to interdisciplinary teams working to expand WKKF's economic development programming. This work laid the groundwork for new programming.
Economic Growth Issues in the Dominican Republic Client: W.K. Kellogg Foundation In conjunction with the WKKF's program to promote regional development in the Dominican Republic, provided technical assistance to the International Fellows program in the area of economic development, linking themes of structural adjustment, globalization and democracy to poverty reduction.
Microcredit Strategies for the Poor Client: W.K. Kellogg Foundation Provided technical advice on integrating a microcredit component into the Foundation's domestic and international programming. Represented the Foundation at the Microcredit Summit, an international gathering to promote microcredit and self-employment as a viable development strategy for the world's poor, especially women. Designed briefings for WKKF staff on summit proceedings and prepared report for board review.
Capital Access for BIPOC-Owned and -Led Enterprises Client: Revolve Fund Conducting developmental and formative evaluation of Revolve Fund, which is addressing inequities in small business development systems by expanding access to capital for small businesses, CDFIs and venture funds owned by or serving people of color. Currently at $3 million and growing, it provides interest-free, recoverable grants that enterprises repay if and when milestones are met. Revolve's pooled funding model is capitalized by grants from impact investors and foundations. As such, it is demonstrating new ways of using philanthropic resources to provide capital to small enterprises. The evaluation has included baseline analysis, process documentation, assessments of qualitative and preliminary investment outcomes and formative input.
Strengthening Small Business Technical Assistance Networks Client: Annie E. Casey Foundation Evaluation of the Baltimore Small Business Support Fund, a network-based model to build the capacity of community development financial institutions and small business development organizations to deliver high-quality technical assistance and supports to small businesses, particularly BIPOC-owned enterprises. The initiative leveraged funding from national and local foundations and incentivized changes in small business development policies and funding
Analysis of Marketing Strategies for Microenterprise Intermediaries Client: Ms. Foundation for Women Assessed innovative marketing, sector, and value-added approaches emerging from a microenterprise marketing project of the Ms. Foundation's Fund for Women's Economic Development, in which a collection of grantees engage in microenterprise development as both a job creation and self-employment strategy. Examined market expansion strategies in specific sectors, including textiles, arts and crafts, and food services.
Creative Economy Evaluation Client: Regional Technology Strategies, Inc. Evaluation of the research and technical assistance components of initiative to increase the economic impact of businesses and individuals engaged in the arts and design professions in Arkansas. This three-year. statewide initiative is designed to quantify the creative economy, develop new partnerships, impact the legislative agenda, and stimulate pilot projects within manufacturing networks and community colleges. Funded by the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation.
Industry Cluster Analysis in Rural Areas Client: Regional Technology Strategies, Inc. Conducted a study of industrial concentration in two regions to assess the nature and structure of industry clusters and the economic impact of agglomeration on regional economies. Examined the houseboat building cluster in rural Kentucky to understand how clusters evolve and expand and the advantages inherent in small clusters. Examined the vehicle manufacturing industry in Tennessee to assess the extent of cluster spillover into less developed areas. Funded by Tennessee Valley Authority, Rural Studies Center.
Metropolitan Industry Cluster Analysis Client: Regional Technology Strategies, Inc. This study was designed to map selected industry clusters in the Chicago region to understand how a strong support infrastructure facilitates economic growth and job opportunity. Methodology included surveys and interviews of employers, business associations, education and training providers, and community organizations that work within and across selected clusters. Funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
Assessment of Federal Role in Economic Development Client: Regional Technology Strategies, Inc. Using selected case study sites, conducted an assessment of the federal role in sub-national economic development in the context of structural economic change, lagging growth and productivity, widening income disparities, and concentrated poverty. Commissioned by the National Academy of Public Administration and U.S. Economic Development Administration.
The Role of Two-Year Colleges in Industrial Modernization Client: Regional Technology Strategies, Inc. Designed and implemented case study and survey methodologies to evaluate the capacity of two-year colleges (including Minority Serving Institutions) to provide training and technical degrees in industrial occupations to support industrial modernization. The study also examined programs and practices of two-year colleges that provide workplace training, technical assistance, and business services to SME manufacturers in urban and rural areas. The aim of this study was to examine how to stimulate development in poor and rural areas by elevating the involvement of these institutions. Funded by the Ford Foundation.
Improving Community College Students' Financial Wellbeing Client: Achieving the Dream The Working Students Success Network was created to build the capacity of community colleges to provide financial services to students and improve their financial management and asset building skills as a means of improving student retention and success. This assessment analyzed and reported findings from surveys administered to approximately 400 students to understand the extent to they utilize financial resources and improve their financial situation.
Leveraging Public Funds for Equitable Community Investments Client: Maryland Community Investment Initiative Conducted a landscape analysis as part of the design and development of an initiative to expand the capacity of local and statewide stakeholders to secure and administer public funding. The purpose is to increase investment in marginalized communities, improve social and economic outcomes and build the nonprofit infrastructure. Examined capacity issues affecting public and nonprofit organizations, the role of intermediaries and impact investors and technical assistance networks.
Industry Analysis: Construction Client: Center for Community Change Conducted a study of the economic and social conditions affecting the construction industry, with an emphasis on mapping its structure and identifying employment barriers and opportunities for minorities, women, and low-income people. Prepared illustrative case studies and documented best practices and tools used to leverage jobs in the building trades and construction.
Program Planning for Economic Development Client: The Rapides Foundation Provided technical expertise in the area of economic development to the board of this newly formed community foundation as part of a strategic planning and organizational development effort to expand grantmaking programs. With a primary interest in community health, the foundation was interested in understanding the interconnections between economic and community development and community well being. Presented economic development primer, recommended specific program strategies, and identified outcome indicators.
Strategic Planning for Rural Economic Development Client: Family Resource Center at Gorham Provided strategic planning and technical assistance to the convener of a community collaborative formed in response to a crisis resulting from the closure of local paper mill. Assessed institutional capacities and organizational development needed to influence economic development. Funded by the Ford Foundation.
Rural Economic Development Learning Cluster Client: Aspen Institute Provided technical advice to the Rural Economic Policy Program's effort to create a national learning cluster designed to build the capacity of rural organizations to promote and implement sustainable rural economic development strategies. Embedded in the approach is a social capital perspective aimed at informing research, policy, and practice.
Economic Development Program Planning Client: Global Exchange, Inc. Developed conceptual framework and program plan for creating an economic development division within a management consulting firm. Program areas included agricultural development and diversification, rural economic development, and small business and microenterprise development. Identified crossover potential with the firm's international development portfolio, service mix, prospective clients, and organizations and specialists for joint ventures.
Evaluation of HBCUs and Economic Development Client: Global Exchange, Inc. Evaluation of the role of historically black colleges and universities in stimulating urban and rural economic development, providing technical and business assistance, and developing new technologies and worker retraining programs. Examined federal programs supporting HBCUs' economic development efforts, public-private partnerships, institutional operations, and development outcomes. Methodology included in-depth interviews, focus groups, secondary data collection, surveys, case studies, and a cross-case analysis. Co-funded by Ford Foundation and Aspen Institute.
Assessment of Educational Partnerships for Economic Development Client: Florida A & M University Examined opportunities for USDA Cooperative Extension Service program to collaborate with and provide technical assistance to regional two-year colleges as part of a broader rural development strategy to expand the role of educational institutions in small business and local economic development. Examined institutional capacities, training and technical assistance needs, and institutional linkages to business, governmental, and community-based organizations.
Program Planning for International Development Consortium Client: Florida A & M University Conducted strategic planning and program design for the Cooperative Institute for International Policies, Research and Education (CIIPRE), a 12-member consortium of historically black colleges and universities organized to increase the participation of HBCUs in international development through economic development, technology transfer, and trade. Focusing on Africa and the Caribbean, developed a dual strategy that involved organizing educational exchanges and targeting the technical assistance services of the consortium to foreign ministries, multi-lateral aid organizations, and trade associations.
Research and Analysis of the Informal Economy Client: Institute for Social and Economic Development Developed research protocols and conducted study of the informal economy. Examined theoretical framework, structure, industry and spatial considerations, parallels with formal low-wage labor markets, and barriers to transitioning from the informal to the formal economy. Funded by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.
Participation of African Americans in the Informal Economy Client: Institute for Social and Economic Development Conducted documentation of the experiences of low-income African Americans participating in the informal economy. Field interviews were conducted with self-employed and wage-workers to document the structure and quality of informal work, reasons for participation, advantages and disadvantages. Analysis included implications for microenterprise and workforce development programs. Funded by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.