Capacity Building
From small grants programs to community change initiatives, our work with nonprofit and community-based organizations is focused on building capacity, improving outcomes, and achieving scale and sustainability, and influencing systems change. We view participatory processes, inclusive decision-making models, and social networks as essential elements to community building. Developing the systems and processes to support this is as important as developing technical capacity.
Kingslow Associates helps organizations find this balance and achieve meaningful results. We are adept at supporting interdisciplinary initiatives and helping stakeholders work creatively with new partners. We are also committed to building institutional capacity to undertake evaluation and conduct assessments that help strengthen program implementation and promote learning.
Selected Projects
Evaluation of Community Change Initiatives Clients: Various Worked on various CCIs in multiple capacities, including initiative design, evaluation, technical assistance, best practice documentation, and assessing the economic opportunity and workforce development components. Initiatives includes: Annie E. Casey Foundation's Making Connections; Surdna Foundation's Community Revitalization Program; Edna McConnell Clark Foundation's Neighborhood Progress Initiative; Enterprise Foundation's Community Building in Partnership; Ford Foundation's Neighborhood and Family Initiative; John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation's Fund for Community Redevelopment and Revitalization; and the Ms. Foundation's Education and Action for Neighborhood and Economic Development.
Assessment of Leadership Development Programs Client: The Conservation Company Conducted a management assessment of ten leadership development grants made by the Ford Foundation's Urban Poverty Program. The grants were designed to generate new community development leadership strategies, including programs to expand CDCs' knowledge of economic analyses, expose CDCs to innovative community development and organizing approaches, and connect CDCs to new constituencies. This assessment provided the Foundation with a mid-course review and led to program improvements.
Small Grants Program Client: Steans Family Foundation Evaluation planning and management assessment of Chicago's North Lawndale Small Grants program, an initiative aimed at engaging more voluntary groups and unincorporated associations in community improvement projects. Conducted process assessment, developed outcome indicators, and documented best practices of small grant programs nationally.
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